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Meet Brage Haavik!

Why did you decide to do the IDA Master?

I was initially intrigued with the freedom attached to studying a research masters. I love the idea of having an opportunity to cultivate my own research interests.

What has been your favourite course and why?

Probably traineeship 1. Although not the typical ‘course’, I really enjoy scientific writing and in addition to this we were given a lot of freedom in pursuing our own interests as long as they were somewhat inline with the professors research interests as well. I found it very satisfying to fully delve into an area of research (in my case the psychological benefits of extreme sports) and explore and weigh out the disagreements to come to a conclusion.

Do you experience stress/pressure in your studies? How do you deal with it?

Stress and pressure come with this research masters, and in my opinion the best way to handle it (which I learned the hard way) is to really be present and to pay attention in lectures.

Why do you think it is important to study what you study?

I think it’s important because a research master’s allows us to develop expertise and contribute to the growth of reliable, well-founded research. This is especially important because there is a lot of poor or flawed science out there, and conducting rigorous research ensures that I can contribute to the body of knowledge in a way that is accurate and meaningful.

What is the most fascinating thing you have learned?

Something I didn’t expect to learn was that the core of the psychological benefits associated with participating in extreme sports was the shift in participants from an anthropocentric to ecocentric viewpoint. This realization has really pushed my future research interests towards concepts like human-nature interactions.

What motivates you to keep studying?

My overall curiosity and thirst for knowledge!

How are you experiencing the relationship with your teachers?

Given the small class, it allows us to get to know our teachers on a more personal level, which is really enjoyable.

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