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Get to know Vrinda Dimri!

When did you do the IDA master?


How was the IDA Master helpful for what you are doing right now?

IDA helped me cultivate the skills necessary for pursuing my current PhD program. Overall, the programs’ interdisciplinary outlook played a crucial role in shaping my approach towards research.

What was your favorite course? And why?

My favourite course(s) was the Internal Traineeship. This course gave me an opportunity to work closely with different professors and learn about the topic in depth.

What was your favorite moment of the time as an IDA student?

That would be the summer BBQ and monthly Stammtisch we used to have! It was always fun to hang out and catch up with IDA students and staff.

What was your motivation to finish your studies ?

My eagerness to learn more and eventually become capable researcher.

Did you experience stress or pressure in your studies, and if yes how did you deal with it?

Yes, after all IDA is an intensive research program. However, I feel that is what makes it unique as well. While the workload is high and the topics can be complex, you get to learn a lot. Additionally, the fellow students and teachers are very supportive, so talking to them always helped. Personally, I became closer to a lot of my classmates because of these shared experiences and conversations.

What can you advise current or future IDA students?

Be proactive – not only in your studies but also in taking care of yourself. It is very easy to get sucked into a constant cycle of overworking, especially given the workload. So make sure that you take out time for yourself and things that make you happy 🙂

How was your overall experience in the master?

It was amazing! It taught me a lot about myself and who I would like to be. The best part about the masters was the amazing connections we formed, which I will always cherish.

What did you do in your international traineeship and how did you like it?

I presented a poster at the EUCAS Aging and Cognition Conference in Belgium. It was my first time presenting at a conference and I had a great experience. We also had a big IDA team attending the conference, so it was great fun. I got to meet a lot of known scholars in the field of aging and learnt a lot a great deal from the conference sessions.

Are you still in touch with other alumni students?

Yes! Even though we are in different countries now, we make sure to check in with each other occasionally.
How did you experience the relationship with your teachers?

It was an excellent experience. The teachers were extremely supportive and I learnt a lot from them.

Did you know from the beginning what you want to do after your master? How did you find out what you would like to do?

I knew that I wanted to do a PhD after my masters. However, I was unsure about the area of research. While taking the “Dynamics of Individual Differences” course, I found the topic of lifespan development, specifically aging, very interesting and decided that it is something I would like to learn more about. Luckily, towards the end of the first year, I also came across my current supervisors work on aging, cognition and physical activity. This topic really resonated with me, so I reached out to her for any PhD opportunities. And well, the rest is history!

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