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Get to know Lené Doomen!

When did you do the IDA master?


How was the IDA Master helpful for what you are doing right now?

Being able to argumentatively take a position and critically make decisions

What was your favorite course? And why?

Honestly, I wouldn’t be able to pick a favorite course, they all had a mixture of specific motivational elements which helped me both learn a lot and enjoy the interactivity of IDA lectures

What was your favorite moment of the time as an IDA student?

Catch-up moments with my fellow students as well as IDA staff 🙂

Did you experience stress or pressure in your studies, and if yes how did you deal with it?

For sure, this Research Master challenges you like no other 😉 – but after every block you get to look back on open and honest feedback, from both students and professors, that have given you new insights. Stress was part of that, sometimes needed, to be able to attain that valuable new piece of growth as a researcher.

What can you advise current or future IDA students?

Ironically, given the previous question, do not stress too much. Remember you are already more than enough. And you already are a good researcher, otherwise you wouldn’t be here at IDA, so anything you take on is just adding to that.

How was your overall experience in the master?

IDA felt like a unique experience

What did you do in your international traineeship and how did you like it?

I went to Perugia, Italy to work with Carlo Garofalo (former IDA staff) to work on my First-Year Paper – in a nuttshell I learned ‘how to make a paper more publishable, in terms of content and editorial elements. Also in a nuttshell, it was an amazing collaboration and experience being able to go abroad.

Are you still in touch with other alumni students?

Yes, our cohort still is in contact 🙂

How did you experience the relationship with your teachers?

Valuable and easygoing

Did you know from the beginning what you want to do after your master? How did you find out what you would like to do?

I am still a bit unsure of what I would like to do, however, IDA has opened a lot of doors to consider

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