In Dynamics of Individual Differences course, students acquire in-depth knowledge on how and why personality traits and cognitive abilities change across life and how they interact with each other at different stages in life. Students learn different concepts of change and stability, and how to interpret empirical findings on change. In addition, students learn about the relevance of personality traits and cognitive abilities for various relevant outcomes at different stages in life (e.g., health, job success) and how interventions can improve these outcomes by targeting the psychological constructs. Finally, students learn about the relevance of (changing) personality traits and cognitive abilities for work outcomes This assignment consisted of creating an overview of successful ageing from the perspective of individual differences in form of a mind-map!
During the course Dynamics of Individual Differences, one the assignments was to create a mind map to summarise one of the topics of the course! This assignment allowed students to explore their creative side, review and solidify their knowledge, and get into the details of the complex world of human development. Vrinda and Wouter picked the topic successful ageing and created this comprehensive mind map! Check it out below and compare it with other mind maps to see different approaches toward various topics.

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