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Get to know Arian Sarwary!

When did you do the IDA master?


How was the IDA Master helpful for what you are doing right now?

There is a lot to mention but currently I am developing a questionnaire for the municipality of Den Bosch. All the knowledge and skills of building a proper questionnaire and analysing its results are coming in very useful. My R skills are also very much appreciated by my colleagues.

What was your favorite course? And why?

Experimental Research Methods and Meta-analysis (Elective). A wonderful and calm look into scientific methodology and meta-analyses. Extremely good and useful course.

What was your favorite moment of the time as an IDA Student?

The extensive and in depth discussions with professors and students.

Did you experience stress or pressure in your studies, and if yes how did you deal with it?

Some intense moments of stress and doubt did occur. I talked to teachers and students. In the end what was most effective was to sit down and start the work. Break down tasks and get to work. In some cases asking the professor for a little more time.

What can you advise current or future IDA students?

Use your time at uni to build some good programming skills. Python is a lot like R but offers way more options. Get good with Python once you know R a bit. The world needs more coders!

How was your overall experience in the master?

A wonderful and tough journey with inspiring and lovely people.

What did you do in your international traineeship and how did you like it?

Conference in Ljubljana. Loved it. We went together with two other students. Very nice to see how other researchers are working and what their focus is on.

Are you still in touch with other Alumni Students?

Yes! Going to see some of them soon actually.

How did you experience the relationship with your teachers?

Professionally intimate and inspiring.

Did you know from the beginning what you want to do after your master? How did you find out what you would like to do?

I did not know and stumbled upon something and applied.

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