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Get to know Manon Enting!

When did you do the IDA master?


How was the IDA Master helpful for what you are doing right now?

Currently I am working as a PhD candidate so the research experience that I gained during the IDA master was very helpful. Other skills that I learnt during the master that are helpful in my current job are critical thinking, writing concisely, and programming.

What was your favorite course? And why?

My favorite course was the First Year Paper course because this was my first own research project on a topic that really matched my research interests. Besides bringing earlier acquired skills in practice this was also an opportunity to learn many new skills such as preregistering research and learning new analyses.

What was your favorite moment of the time as an IDA Student?

My favorite moment was the IDA Graduation Ceremony. At this ceremony we had the opportunity to present our research to family, friends, and IDA staff.

What was your motivation to finish your studies ?

I really love reading, writing, and doing statistical analyses so the IDA master was a perfect fit for me. Hence, I think motivation to finish the master came naturally to me.

Did you experience stress or pressure in your studies, and if yes how did you deal with it?

Yes, the program was intensive and stressful at times. I usually dealt with this by talking to fellow students, planning realistically, and exercising regularly. During the program I learnt that pressure can be also used to your advantage because it requires you to work more efficiently and motivates you to achieve your best. In my experience, being stressed or under pressure at times is not bad as long as you set healthy boundaries for yourself.

How was your overall experience in the master?

Overall, I think the master gave me a good idea of what a research career looks like.

What did you do in your international traineeship and how did you like it?

For the international traineeship I attended two online conferences. I really liked it because of the opportunity to learn about the newest research findings and meet other scholars with similar research interests.

Are you still in touch with other Alumni Students?

Yes! I think it’s nice that we can support each other and share our experiences during/after the transition from IDA to (academic) work life.

How did you experience the relationship with your teachers?

In my experience, teachers were really supportive. They were enthusiastic about their topics, willing to answer all questions from students, and open to help us further develop as researchers.

Did you know from the beginning what you want to do after your master? How did you find out what you would like to do?

When I started I was not sure yet whether I wanted to stay in academia or not. However, in the first year I found out that I wanted to do a PhD since I really enjoyed writing papers and doing research traineeships.

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