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Meet Sophia Sun!

Why did you decide to do the IDA Master?

I chose the IDA Master’s program because it’s really focused on research, and that’s what I’m all about. I love digging into topics and finding out new things, and this program is perfect for getting even better at that. It’s a great fit for what I want to do.

What has been your favourite course and why?

My favorite course has been Extended Assessment Methods. I really liked it because it opened my eyes to different ways of doing research, like network analysis and the experience sampling method. I’m excited to use these methods in my master’s thesis—they’re super interesting and practical.

Do you experience stress/pressure in your studies? How do you deal with it?

Yes, I do feel some stress, especially when working on big projects like my first-year paper and master thesis. These are definitely more intense than just taking classes and exams. But honestly, I enjoy the challenge. Since I love research, I’m okay with the pressure—it’s part of what makes it exciting for me.

How can your knowledge from the IDA Master be useful for the real world?
The IDA Master’s program has really changed the way I think. While I might not have a specific application in mind, learning to think critically and use statistical methods to look at issues has been super useful. It helps me make sense of things better, no matter what the situation is.

Why do you think it is important to study what you study?

Studying in this program is important because it mixes solid academic knowledge with a ton of practical statistical methods. This combo is key because you get the theory but also learn how to actually apply it through stats. It’s really hands-on, which means you’re equipped to handle real-world problems right after you finish.

What is the most fascinating thing you have learned?

The most fascinating thing I’ve learned is about within-individual variability. It’s interesting to see how much things can change within a person over time, even aspects like personality that I used to think were pretty stable. This has really opened my eyes to how dynamic and fluid human characteristics can be.

What motivates you to keep studying?

What motivates me to keep studying is my goal to do a PhD and my love for research. I’m like a sponge, just soaking up everything I can. This really keeps me going, always eager to learn more.

How are you experiencing the relationship with your teachers?

I have a great relationship with my teachers, especially my supervisors. They’re understanding, knowledgeable, and really supportive.

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