When did you do the IDA master?
How was the IDA Master helpful for what you are doing right now?
The traineeships and methods-heavy curriculum (such as the SEM course) greatly prepared me for my PhD at the Methods Department in Tilburg.
What was your favorite course? And why?
All the traineeships, because it’s just so much fun closely working together with a professor, and you learn a lot. And of course Programming, because I love working with R.
What was your favorite moment of the time as an IDA Student?
The moment we threw our hats during the graduation ceremony 🙂
What was your motivation to finish your studies ?
I didn’t need a motivation to finish my studies, I loved my time as an IDA student.
Did you experience stress or pressure in your studies, and if yes how did you deal with it?
Of course I did. I dealt with it with social support (talk to your fellow students!), good preparation, and a general positive attitude regarding life.
What can you advise current or future IDA students?
Lean back and enjoy the ride. It may be hard at times, but this is a great programme! Be proactive, shape it to your likings, and you will learn a lot (and also have fun). And remember: Lots of students passed this programme, why shouldn’t you?
How was your overall experience in the master?
It was an awesome time! I learned so much and met many inspiring people.
Are you still in touch with other Alumni Students?
Yes, some of my colleagues are also PhD students at Tilburg University and we meet for lunch and stuff.
How did you experience the relationship with your teachers?
The relationship was great. The teachers liked to challenge us, but they also supported us, treated us as equals, and I learned a lot of them.
Did you know from the beginning what you want to do after your master? How did you find out what you would like to do?
I was quite certain I would go and do a PhD, but I did not quite expect to end up in the Methods department 🙂
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