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Poster presentations for Liam and Nithila!

Second year IDA students are now completing the program and their Master thesis! Some of them got to present their work at conferences as part of their international traineeship.

Liam Wells presented his Master thesis titled “The longitudinal effects of a mindfulness intervention on daily flow experience and autotelic personality” supervised by Eeske van Roekel at the European Conference on Personality in Berlin. Here are his thoughts about this experience:

“At the ECP21 I had a great time attending keynotes and symposiums on interesting topics like cultural differences in personality psychology, mindfulness and personality, and so many more! It was also nice to present my masters thesis during the 1 and a half hour poster session, where I had the chance to talk to many researchers from around the world and discuss feedback points and future research with them.”

Liam presenting his work

Nithila Ramesh also presented at the conference:

“I attended the European Conference on Personality last week as part of my international traineeship. Here I got to present my master thesis project supervised by Dr. Patrick Klaiber: From Belief to Achievement: Examining the Interplay Between Academic Self-Efficacy and Weekly Academic Experiences. Before the poster presentation I was nervous that I would get complicated questions from other researchers, but after the presentation, I was quite disappointed that I didn’t get to have more interesting discussions. However, the conference was a nice moment to learn about different hot topics in personality research, and connect with both international colleagues as well as IDA alumni and professors. I had a lot of interesting discussions outside of my poster presentation and gained a lot of insights and points to consider for future research. I learnt that your presentation is not the most interesting part of the conference and it is a lot more enjoyable to celebrate the work of others :)”

Nithila and her supervisor Patrick Klaiber

Other second year IDA students also attended the conference to support their classmates:

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