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End of Year Conference 2024

During the course First Year Paper, students learn how to apply theoretical models and physiological assessments learnt in the first semester to generate research questions and hypotheses. Students present their First Year Paper during the End of Year Conference. During a 10-minute presentation, students explain the theoretical background of their research questions and hypotheses, their study design, and the analyses that were performed. They also report the results and explain the conclusion of their First Year Paper. In addition, they should critically reflect on their findings (discuss strengths, limitations, and implications) and answer questions from the audience during the 5-minute discussion after each presentation.

On June 3rd 2024 the End of Year Conference for the 2023-2025 cohort took place. The conference lasted from 13:00 until 17:00, with sets of three presentations and breaks in between. Future students, current students, alumni and IDA staff joined the conference and got to see what First Year Students had been working on for the last months.

It was a great experience for everyone, as we got to have a glimpse into what presenting at conferences feels like. We were all proud to show the hard work we had done and were happy to receive interesting questions from our fellow students and professors sitting in the audience.

The topics were very diverse, from work psychology, psychometrics, developmental psychology and forensic psychology. All of it shows, once more that this program offers so much, and us students really have the freedom to choose our field and develop our research abilities. We thank all supervisors, academic director Yvonne and course coordinator Meeke for organizing this event and supporting us in our research.

We ended the day with some drinks and snacks, all happy for successfully finishing our presentations and coming closer to wrapping up this challenging yet rewarding academic year.

Tom presenting his FYP
The First year cohort and Yvonne

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