Every year, we kick-off the new academic year with our traditional BBQ event. Unfortunately, the past years have been affected due to Covid-19 restrictions. However, we took it from where we left off and the Traditional ReMa: IDA BBQ 2022 took place!

This year we met exclusively as ReMa: IDA students, alumni, and professors. Since every year our community grows larger, the kick-off event gives us a great way to get to know the new cohort, catch-up after the summer break, and explore the areas we work or can collaborate in. This because creating a network of competent researchers is an integral part of the ReMa: IDA identity.

As you can possibly tell from the photos, we were all happy to meet the new cohort and had opportunities to chat, of course with good food and drinks on the side! Off we go to an exciting new year and new collaborations. Happy new academic year to all of you! 🙂

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